Makes 5 1/2 cups or 4 servings
1. Slice chicken crosswise into 1/4-inch wide strips. To make marinade: In medium bowl, combine 1/4 cup soup, sherry, garlic and ginger. Add chicken; toss to coat. Cover refrigerate at least an hour. 2. In 10-inch skillet over high heat, in hot oil, cook mushrooms, carrots and celery, striing quickly and frequently (stir-frying) until vegetables are tender-crisp, about 3 minutes. With slotted spoon, remove to plate. 3. Drain chicken, reserving marinade. To oil left in skillet, add chicken and stir-fry until chicken turns white, about 3 to 5 minutes. Return vegetables to skillet. Add linguine and radishes. 4. In small bowl, blend cornstarch smoothly with reserved marinade and remaining soup. Gradually stir into hot mixture in skillet and cook, stirring constantly until thickened.